Forgiving one another
"Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye."
Colossians 3:13
Think about this verse for a while. When someone "wrongs" us, we tend to get upset and all wrapped up in ourselves and expect the other party to come to us and apologize. Sometimes the offending party may even be unaware of their offenses. That often seems to happen with spouses, although they tend to pick up on the fact that they've upset us fairly quickly, they may not know what they've done! But, it also happens in our churches and may lead to unnecessary tension among the brethren. It can be blown out of proportion and even lead to people leaving a church over something that could have simply been taken care of by two people just talking about the problem. According to this verse, you should forgive regardless of which side of the hurt you're on.
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