Friday, June 11, 2010

Praying For An Answer

How many times have we prayed and prayed to God for something and not gotten an answer as soon as we expected? Or not gotten THE answer we expected?

In Psalm 13, even King David, felt slighted because God hadn't answered his prayer. "How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? For ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me?" Psalm13:1

We often forget God's answers to our prayers may not be what we expect and usually it's not when we expect! Sometimes HE teaches us patience the hard way!

1 comment:

  1. It's tough not getting what you want and when you want it, especially when it's a devastating illness or financial distress or a goal you have in mind that just won't come to fruition. God is certainly in control, if we allow Him to be, whether the outcome is what we desired or not. Easier said than done, though...
