Please remember my Grandma in prayer.
She's been feeling bad since Saturday. Lindsey and I had been planning to go visit this week for a while but had about decided to postpone due to her feeling poorly until talking to my Aunt Sunday evening. So we decided to go on Monday morning. She seemed a bit better when we arrived than she had sounded over the weekend. However, this morning after breakfast, she was again saying she felt really bad. Her Occupational Therapist came by and checked her out and suggested it could be some dehydration. Grandma was also running a low grade fever and her blood pressure was a bit off. A nurse is supposed to come check her out, but it could be "a couple days". I decided it would be best if we came on back home today. This evening she sounded really pitiful on the phone. I'm very concerned, but there's nothing I can do but pray, and I ask that you all help me with that.
Thank you,
Update as of Thursday...
Grandma still sounds puny on the phone. Nurse came on Wednesday and checked her out, but nothing major. Said to monitor fluid intake and blood pressure. Thanks for the prayers...
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